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整理编辑:山东学位英语考试网 发布时间:2024-04-03 10:23:35 阅读量:37
The Disadvantage of Living in a City
Tired of the city life, some city-dwellers opt for city suburbs as their residence. They areflocking there to avoid people-in the city, wherever you look, it's people, people. people.
It's not strange for them complain about the living conditions in the city. It takes ages for abus to get to you because the traffic on the roads has virtually come to a standstill. The subwayswhich leave or arrive every few minutes are packed: an endless procession of human sardine tins.All the simple, good things of life like sunshine and fresh air are at a premium. Tall buildings blotout the sun. The flow of traffic goes on continuously and the noise never stops.
Decades of years ago, people were crazy about crowding into the city. Now more and morepeople believe that only a madman would choose to live in a large modern city.
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